Microneedling with PRF
What is it?
PRF (Platelet-rich fibrin) is an improved version of PRP (platelet-rich plasma) which has been widely used to rejuvenate the skin. While the healing properties of platelets in the human blood have been known for centuries, medical researches have found that PRF is very effective in speeding up the healing process and recovery after injury. By applying PRF after microneedling, many biologically active proteins that promote healing and rejuvenation are applied directly to the area of concern.
What to expect?
The Healing Process
Day 1 - 3
A sunburn-like effect is normal. Your skin may feel tight, dry or sensitive to touch. Treat the skin gently by washing it with a gentle cleanser, cool water, and using only your hands to pat dry no earlier than 4 hours after treatment Some redness may also be present and in some cases, patients may experience slight bruising that can last for 5-7 days and temporary swelling for 2-4 days
Day 2 - 7
Day 5 - 7

Make An Appointment

109 Fenn Road (Inside MKL Beauty) Newington, CT 06111
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