Vitamin Injections
What is it?
Unlike other forms of oral supplements, vitamin injections go straight to work. Oral supplements must be digested and absorbed by the body, and in order to survive the process, they often contain unnecessary ingredients. Not only are these ingredients absent in nutritional value, many could be potentially harmful. Also, once the body absorbs the ingredients, much of the potency is gone. This means you must ingest more in order to fully reap the benefits, but risk more exposure to potentially harmful byproducts.
Injections, on the other hand, go to work immediately and contain only the ingredients you want and need. Because they do not have to endure digestion, there is no need for any additives
What to expect?
A vitamin, mineral, nutritional compound, and/or medication will be injected directly into the subcutaneous fat or muscle of your body. The injections themselves are quick and painless, but some discomfort to the injection site for a day or two after the injection is expected.
Make An Appointment
350 Center St Suite 212, Wallingford, CT 06492
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